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Old 03-20-2007, 12:23 PM
Pat Southern Pat Southern is offline
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Default Re: Tri-mester schools? Pros and cons.

I'm at a trimester school and I really don't like it. We start school almost a month later than all the semester schools, which sucked for the 2 years I lived at home for summer cause you're bored and don't have many people to hang out with. We also start summer vacation a month later, which sucks cause you miss out on the first weeks of everybody coming home and getting hammered/catching up with each other. Also our spring break is completely different, and our winter break is way shorter.
I actually like the academic benefits of trimesters, its way harder to fall behind over your head cause there's less course work per term, and you get more exposure to different subjects.
Overall, I'd rather have semesters.
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