Thread: Jim Cramer
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Old 03-19-2007, 10:16 PM
disjunction disjunction is offline
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Default Re: Jim Cramer

I sometimes used to catch Cramer's radio show on the way home from work. The impression that I got was a guy who basically knows what he's talking about but is overextended. I don't think your grandmother will underperform by following him, because he will weed out the total crap. (Main danger may be getting a bad price after his recommendation bumps the stock.)

He had some good thoughts, nothing that would make you say "Wow this guy's a genius", but enough that following what he says (with your BS detector on) isn't a bad idea. Of course, there are probably more knowledgeable people to listen to.

He does get himself into trouble because he is expected to come up with something new every day. So about half the time he bloviates about companies that he knows little about, and you need to watch out for that because he's a lemming when he does that.
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