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Old 03-18-2007, 11:37 PM
Alex/Mugaaz Alex/Mugaaz is offline
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Default Re: I want to sell my Wii and get a ps3

If you're irrationally biased against the 360 that's your beef, but it beats the PS3 in every possible way right now. The PS3 has SOME chance of beating it later on, but as things look right now it's NOWHERE SOON. If you want a PS3 I'd say wait until there is actually some A+ title worth getting with the system, the system is only going to drop in price considering it horrible sales and lack of software.

Keep your Wii even if you're sick of it now, there are plenty of great titles coming out that you'll probably want to at least rent. When some big title comes out you're really psyched for go buy a PS3 for $1-200 cheaper than it is now, or maybe you'll find out you want a 360 instead.

I understand you're focused on the whole home theatre stuff, and because of that you see the Wii as limited, but it really isn't true. Graphics are simply not getting much better or increasing as any real pace than they were before. I think because the Wii games are already "capped" as far as their graphics go it forces game designers to make game with other selling gameplay. Look at the SNES, once designers capped the graphics selling point on it they started putting out some really interesting games. The Wii gimmick is getting stale now because all the first gen of games for it tried the same basic idea, as new games come out they will first improve on the prior experiments, and then start trying out some new things I think will be very cool.


Keep Wii, don't buy PS3 until there is a game you really want for it.
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