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Old 03-18-2007, 06:40 PM
SlamminP SlamminP is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 125
Default Speaking publicly

In general, I am a good speaker when it comes to making points to friends or people I have known for a while, but
I have a problem speaking solo in front of large groups. Every time I try, I do an unsatisfactory job and I know that I could do better if I wasn't under such pressure. I get anxious, stutter in my words and cannot quickly find the right words to fit the context. Simply put I am inarticulate in front of many strangers.

Since these forums are full of antisocial poker nerds and some probably share the same problem, I thought this would be the perfect place to gather some insight and hopefully obtain some tips as to becoming a better public speaker. Is the secret experience? Or should I just picture everyone in their underwear?
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