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Old 03-18-2007, 05:36 PM
Senator7 Senator7 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone heard anything: \"What no one is saying about internet pok

I'm not saying they do it, but they also have the power to manipulate pocket and community cards to create larger pots and more rake.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is foolishness, and borders on flagrent trolling.

You do realise that even on-line casinos are regulated, don't you? Kahnawake Gaming Commission?

And the cards are shuffled by an RNG. RNG is a well documented area of mathmatics. On-line casinos go to great lengths to demonstrate that their shuffles are, in fact, random. The claim you just made states that their shuffles are NOT random, and that they minipulate the cards to increase pot size, and thus rake.

So, if you're running an on-line casino and raking pots to the tune of 2 million dollars a day, would you risk having your business shut down and all your customers abandon you just so you could rake 2.3 million a day?

2 million at virtually no risk vs 2.3 million with MAJOR risk of ruin?

Not just a bad business decition, but if you're CEO of a publicly traded company (and many of the on-line casinos are publicly traded) then you risk JAIL for malfeasence.

They don't cheat. They don't HAVE to cheat. And a well run, fair casino is nearly a risk-free business. A casino, B&M or on-line, is as close to you can get to having a lisence to print money. And no corporation that runs a casino will be willing to screw up such a sweet-heart deal for an extra punkass million or two a day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trolling? Come on, Phydaux. You know better than that.

I did not say they do it, I said they have the power to do it.

You can say all you want about RNG and the hands per hour, but the fact remains that I (and many others) have seen some things happen in online poker that I have never seen in a live game.

Bernie's analysis is spot on.
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