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Old 03-18-2007, 03:39 PM
CraigJ CraigJ is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 70
Default Re: Interesting take on poker pros

Learn to read people!!

I never said there wasn't any skill in poker. Trust me I know there is. (I like to think I fall in the skilled area.) But there is also luck in Poker. And based on the probablity distribution there have to be people who are going to get more than their fair share of good luck at the poker table.

I was saying imagine the Poker Player who is incredibly skilled and also has more than his fair share of good luck. He has the best of BOTH worlds. Now if that person exists where would you find that someone? Probably dominating the Poker world. Sounds like Phil Ivy to me. Again he has the best of BOTH worlds, VERY SKILLED, VERY LUCKY.
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