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Old 03-18-2007, 02:57 PM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Chopin Judo Chops His Way Into Hades (for Andy Fox)

From a recent thread, now quiet and slumbering.

Music: Chopin's piano sonata in B-minor. Each movement is a tour de force, each outwardly very different, yet all subtlely related by shape and sonority. Chopin was the master of every aspect of musical composition--harmony, melody, rhythm, texture, counterpoint, form. The only thing he never mastered was orchestration, but he didn't need to--he had a complete orchestra at his fingertips every time he sat down at the piano.

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Sonata NO. 2 has:

Funeral March

After listening to this smoldering heap of piano music I was singularly impressed. The impression deepens with each repeated listening session.

There are some elements that seem disjointed but perhaps Chopin's Judoist approach is part of the charm but this approach is intersperse with moments of tinkling that makes portions of the Sonata boarder on schizophrenia.

The Funeral March movement is exquisite and the solid bookends of music with a creamy center make the whole round and uniform like an Oreo Cookie. I think this is praise but some may doubt my sincerity. So be it.

Andy knows much more about piano music and composition than I so I bow to his superior knowledge and acumen. Chopin is Grand. Truly so.

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