Thread: Japan - WTF?
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Old 03-18-2007, 12:11 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Japan - WTF?


Who effing cares? Bad things happen in wars. Why dig up the past? Do you really think acknowledging "war crimes" will heal anyone?

I'm not sure you understand the extent to which these things went on. The Japanese were brutal and evil, far beyond what they needed to be, and most of the younger Japanese generation don't know. Some of these people are around today as fathers, grandfathers, teachers, businessmen.

There was shock and surprise in the country some years back when "Blood Oath" was shown, a realistic and less than graphic depiction of Japanese atrocities during the war. Many young people could not believe their own country did such a thing, because they are taught a different version of history in their schools and museums. Many believe America was largely to blame for the war, and that the atomic bomb was the reason the US won. These people need to be violently disabused of this notion so they see the sickness that exists in their own society, their racism and their rituals.

American leaders made an unforgivable mistake not requiring a guilt clause in the surrender treaty. They had close to absolute power over the Japanese and should have crushed them when they had the chance.

Anyway, I suggest you read the articles below. The Japanese were as evil as the Nazis and committed atrocities on the same scale - genocide in the millions, brutal human experiments, rape camps..

******Edit:/Jman220Post Edited by Jman220. Calling an entire race "evil" or "the enemy" will not be tolerated. Warning Issued.
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