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Old 03-17-2007, 04:48 PM
wonderwes wonderwes is offline
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Default I want to sell my Wii and get a ps3

I bought the Wii back on launch day. I didnt wait all night out in the cold for it, it was sent through Amazon.

Games I have bought on the system have been Tony Hawk, Excite Truck, Zelda (already beat it), SSX blur and Tiger Woods.

I was playing Tiger Woods, somewhat not impressed by the game, and the thought popped into my head to sell the Wii and get a ps3.

I figured I would make a post to see if people agreed with the decision or help talk me out of it.

Here's my current reasoning process
- Always wanted a ps3
- I refuse to ever buy a 360
- I am getting an HDtv in 2007
- PS3 looks like it will be more centered to the online content than the Wii
- The Wii controller is becoming boring to me.
- Except for the must have Nintendo brand titles, not many other Wii games down the road look impressive

I am not sure if I would do it, but I would probably get a good price on ebay. Its not like I can not just buy another Wii down the road. So do you agree or disagree with me?
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