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Old 03-17-2007, 02:45 AM
udbrky udbrky is offline
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Default Re: Buying a guitar (electric)

For accessories, I'd go with the Big Muff distortion pedal. It's some of the sweetest distortion sound out there. You can get a full-on fuzz, or you can adjust the tone and get a nice straight-ahead rock distortion. Also, a wah pedal can be fun. I also like the DOD Icebox chorus pedal for an additional sound. I'd also recommend getting something a multi-effect pedal that lets you program and create, just to mess around with. They're fun and good to start off with.

Don't go too much on an amp. A good 50-75 watt amp will be plenty. Tube amps are a more pure sound. They're more expensive, but worth it. Plug in an Ibanez tube screamer and you're gonna get some great distortion. Just don't try to assemble a wall of speakers like you'd see in concerts - most of those are just there for show. Look at a setup some time, there's just a couple of the speakers mic'd, the rest aren't even plugged in I bet. Go for a controllable, good sound, and if you need more power, mic it up.

I have an older, cheap Ibanez that I like, but just go to a store, play some and see what you like. Find one you like in the price range, and then go play some others, and come back another day and check it out again.

I've got a Fender solid state amp, 80-watts. I forget the model. My friend's had it for a while. It's a nice amp that puts out a good, clean sound. I have the muff pedal, and a second Boss distortion pedal for distortion.

Just go try out different amps and guitars and see what you like.

Fenders = good clean sound
Marshalls = good distortion sound
5150's a nice sound too. Van Halen used one.
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