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Old 03-16-2007, 03:39 PM
MarkD MarkD is offline
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Default Re: Winning in Tough Hold \'em Games


Try a little experiment sometimes. Go to a local Borders or have a friend do so. Approach someone in the poker section and ask them if they prefer the look and feel of HOH2 or WTO and MOP. My guess is that the results may surprise you.

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My guess is you would be surprised to learn that you are wrong. Mason is guided by the book buyers at Barnes and Nobel, Borders, Books a Million and others, they advise him what to do to make his books sell better. 2+2 books are text books, they are designed to far outlast the competition - and we pay a premium for that. 90% of the people who post about the 2+2 book printing process are arm chair jockeys who want what they want for their own reasons, never considering the good of 2+2 book sales.

On a related note lets face it, except for the idiot who only buys D&B books now because of their printing quality nobody in this forum would stop buying a great 2+2 book even if it was printed on newspaper because its about the content, not the printing. Now I am not slagging D&B, they produce some fantastic books - but they aren't designed to be the text-book material that 2+2 books market themselves as. 2+2 books should be dog eared, worn in, and scribbled on like a text book tends to become - think of it as such and you will find yourself in a much happier place.

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[delete big post]

On second thought, I don't want to get into an argument and I don't really know what I'm talking about. I am not a publisher, nor do I have anything to do with that. I just wished the books lay flat better. That is all.
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