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Old 03-16-2007, 11:04 AM
Fishwhenican Fishwhenican is offline
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Default Re: Leaving something on top of your car?

A couple of months ago I took off from home and I was just getting up to speed (70mph) and I notice the vehicle passing me waving, which is pretty normal around here, I wave back but at second glance I see they are pointing to the top of the Suburban.

I hear a weird sound and look out the rearview mirror just in time to see the cat falling off the back. Check the side mirror and see her hit the pavement, skid a ways while she is digging in for the side of the road and then run off to the side of the road.

I did stop and go back and even looked for her awhile and she was no where to be found. It was still really close to where the house is. We didn't see her for a few days and then she shows up looking no worse for the wear. Cats really DO have nine lives
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