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Old 03-15-2007, 06:55 PM
Donk4Life Donk4Life is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 261
Default Re: Favorites 8-0 early, Will we see regression to the mean?

LOL, yes there will be regression to the mean. Pretty hard not to when you're at 100%.

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Heh, stranger things have happened. I see a lot of bookmakers flinging themselves from tall buildings if favorites keep covering. That reminds me, I know a lot of people who are undefeated in their brackets who are very proud of that fact today. Anyway, here are my picks for tonight.

VCU +6.5. I think Duke is a good team, but not near as good as they have been in the past. This is a good number to get against a "name" team like Duke who hasn't performed up to par this year when faced with good competition. VCU has played most teams tough this year and won't let up against the Dukies.

Michigan State -2. Despite beating Pittsburgh at home without Jerel McNeal, I think this will hurt Marquette badly. The team was hopeful he would be able to return, but we see where its headed. Michigan State should be ready to play some lesser competition. Playing outside the Big 10 should be a relief, but the Big East went 2-0 earlier today. I'm still playing the Spartans.
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