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Old 03-15-2007, 05:00 PM
rider_1 rider_1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Posts: 66
Default Re: Workout---Thoughts

I worked out for years and years, I've tried many different types of training. What are your goals? If you want to be HUGE, this is the WORST routine ever. I started working out @ 160lbs on a 6'1" frame, 4 yrs later I was at 215 lbs and 7% bodyfat without juice.
Firstly, you are overtraining and your body is not going to respond to this routine (i.e you won't grow). I really suggest cutting back on the excercises for each day. You should not spend more than an hour at a time working out (I am assuming that you are not wasting time, talking, waiting 10 min between sets, make your workouts strong and intense).
Second, center your workouts around BIG lifts, whole body exercises, never around isolation exercises. Your back day should begin with deadlifts, and this is 1 of the 3 MOST important movements. The 2nd lift is squats, start your leg day with them and base your leg routine on them (You aren't even doing regular back squats at all, you must do them, AND NOT ON A SMITH MACHINE!!). The 3rd lift is bench press, either barbell or dumbell, flat or incline (or both). Base your whole routine around these 3 lifts, everything else is extra (but not to be ignored).

Your routine sucks because you're using two different types of training in the same cycle. Do high volume for 8-12 weeks, then switch to low volume (higher weight), NEVER DO BOTH. Cut out all the redundant movements (eg bentover rows, cable pulls and seated rows are the same movement, DON'T DO IT 3 times a day). Add a shoulder day, trust me. You are overtraining here, WAYYY over training. Feel free to PM me if you have questions, I'd be happy to map out a general routine if you told me your goals, etc.
BTW, Yes, you are doing way too many excercises for most of your body. Your upper arms must be so tired after doing all those back excercises, then doing 90 reps of curls.
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