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Old 03-15-2007, 01:06 PM
slickpoppa slickpoppa is offline
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Default Re: I\'m not skinny, but I\'m not dead fat, what to do?


What kind of training should I do? Should I stop lifting till I lost the weight I want? Should I stop running? Should I do both, like one day I run the other I lift?

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BBill Star's 5x5 Primer: (warning: long, but definitely worth reading)

Here's a shorter version thats better for quick reference:;cd=1&gl=us


What kind of weight lifting should I do for my shoulders/chest if I want them bigger? I mean by that how many reps, what excercise, and what frequence, etc...
What kind of excercise and how many rep should I do for my middle back if I want to strengten it? What frequence?

What should I do for my abs?

I never did any leg lifting cause I mostly want to look good and do cardio when I exercise, what do you recommend?

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See above links. Bench presses and military presses will strengthen and bulk your chest and shoulers. Deadlifts, pullups, and dynamic rows will strenghten and bulk up your back.

Completely rid your mind of any notion about not lifting legs. And don't worry about seeing your abs for at least several months. Having really ripped abs has more to do with having really low bodyfat more than anything. And if you want to gain muscle mass, it is going to be impossible for a noob lifter like you to gain muscle mass and get really ripped. Get back to me in 6 months after doing the above routine and I'll show you a diet that can get you really ripped abs.

I don't feel like going into details about diet, so hopefully others can chime in about diet details. Bascially you're gonna want to eat a lot of protein. Also, someone your size should not worry too much about losing fat at this point. Worry about adding muscle and you will look a lot better even if you just maintain your current BF%.

As far as running goes, that will have to be a second priority if your #1 goal is increasing muscle mass. You can still run, but your legs are going to be hit hard from this routine, so you should be running no more than 2-3 times a week and focus on shorter, more cardio intensive runs that don't tire out your legs.
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