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Old 03-15-2007, 12:46 PM
spacebetween spacebetween is offline
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Default I\'m not skinny, but I\'m not dead fat, what to do?

I would like to know whats best for me. I weight 185lbs and I'm about 6 feet tall. I'm lifting/running since about a year but not very seriously. I go to the gym often, but its mosty for exercise and I don't see a lot of result. I also don't really know how to eat well.

So I'm not really fat. I have a good silhouette even with my shirt off, but I would like to see my abs one day. I also am a ****ing weakling!! I cant bench more than 100 lbs for 8 repetitions or so. I never seen someone with weaker shoulders than me. I want to have bigger shoulders and chest. My arms are not skinny and I don't want to have huge arms anyway. My middle back is very weak and I would like to strengten it. I dont really care what it looks like tho. Also, I like to run. If I can include it in my training it would be cool. I like to run for 45min-1hours at slow pace.

So my questions are:

What should I eat? Right now I eat almost no carbs, someday none at all. I don't know if its good. I take 1 multivitamin and drink a lot, but only water. I don't like shakes since I eat a lot of eggs and meat but if you think its good I don't mind.

What kind of training should I do? Should I stop lifting till I lost the weight I want? Should I stop running? Should I do both, like one day I run the other I lift?

What kind of weight lifting should I do for my shoulders/chest if I want them bigger? I mean by that how many reps, what excercise, and what frequence, etc...

What kind of excercise and how many rep should I do for my middle back if I want to strengten it? What frequence?

What should I do for my abs?

I never did any leg lifting cause I mostly want to look good and do cardio when I exercise, what do you recommend?

Its probably gonna take a while to anwser my post so I understand if noone is willing to do it. If you just want to link me to something you think will anwser my questions it'd be awesome thanks.
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