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Old 03-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Thremp Thremp is offline
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Default Crossfit Discussion

Since I'm a fairly well known hater on Crossfit. I'd like to discuss why it sucks or why it rocks. I've never done crossfit, at some point in my life I may try it. But it does not suit my current goals.

1) It is far better than most programs.
2) I don't like its non-specific nature. It is very "general". You can't focus on one thing while doing crossfit. You'll never become "elite" in terms of physical potential.
3) I really really like the lower volume. Today's workout has you doing very low intensity work with a high volume. I like this paired training and do this occasionally myself with higher intensity. Though some days you just have a O-lift max day while is very low in volume.
4) It is good for a recreational athlete, who wants to be "in shape" but doesn't have any sport specific (or otherwise specific goals).
5) I like the organization of it and how anyone can just pop on this site and scale up or down the WOD and go for it.


I think you converted from crossfit for a specific goal. Maybe you can explain your thoughts behind why you did this, what you like about each, and why.
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