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Old 03-14-2007, 02:47 PM
deacsoft deacsoft is offline
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Default Re: Being there for the Birth.

I was in the room when my daughter was born and it was the greatest moment in my life. I didn't watch the birth. I sat on the edge of the bed next to my daughter's mother, held her hand, and tried to be encouraging/helpful. We went in to the hospital on a Wednesday afternoon and our daughter was born on Friday morning. It was long and exhausting. We had only four hours of sleep the entire time. I never left her side. It's something that we shared together and it was truly an amazing experience.

Being there when the doctor first held my daughter high enough that I could see her was a blessing. I would swear that every light in the room dimmed when her eyes opened. Seeing her big beautiful blue eyes take in the world for the first time was incredible. If there's anyway you can find the strength to be in that room... be there. You don't have to be next to the doctor and watching the birth. Just be there and be supportive of your child's mother. Not being there may be something you regret the rest of your life.
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