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Old 03-14-2007, 02:14 PM
beboppoker beboppoker is offline
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Default Re: What goes with liquor?

WARBUS:"Back office: It does not need to be big. Just someplace to deal with cash, invoices, ordering, etc. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done that shouldn't be in front of customers/employees."

If I lived near the store/mall, I'm talking 5 min walking distance, do you still think this is necessary? Can't I do all these things after closing or at my home? And also, I will be running this with 2 friends, so they can go make inventory/trash runs should the situation come up. I'm sure well have to drastically change inventory during certain holidays. I don't know if these adjustments can substitute for a back office, any thoughts are appreciated.

As far as storage, I was thinking of renting storage space. I am unsure of how expensive this is or how close it is to where were opening. It just feels bad using "store space" for storage. On the other hand, if there were just A LOT of liquor on display...would that make my store more appealing?

I'm not sure what you mean by thread carefully...Like should I not ask the manager because ill scare him off by thinking ill sublease illegally?

Ice sounds nice, I'm not really sure how that works though. I need to talk to gas station owners...or hopefully someone here can clue me in. I will be selling beer.

and btw...if by some miracle me and my friends pull this off, you guys come by for free liquor sometime (you gotta be 21) =)
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