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Old 03-14-2007, 12:35 PM
Analyst Analyst is offline
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Default Re: My thoughts on last nights Idol..

It would make a good prop bet - Will a male be among the top 3 finalists?

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I think it's almost guaranteed that a male will be in the top three, and I can put together a reasonable scenario where two make it.

At some point, I really believe that vote-splitting is going to cost one of LaKisha/Melinda a spot in the top three; easy to see if it's, for example, LaKisha, Melinda, Blake and Chris S. in the final four. Of the remaining women:

- Haley will be out soon and is not a factor;
- Stephanie is very good (last night was an abberation), but won't get past mid-pack at best (say, number 7-9, after the dead money is out) due to Melinda and LaKisha
- Jordin is pretty good (I like Stephanie better) and seems to be getting pimped; the judges' comments were waaaay too favorable for her performance last night. She's not going to improve much this season despite her age - c'mon, she's been performing for most of her life, it's not like she just got handed a mic for the first time last month. I don't think she'll make it past mid-pack either, say 5-7.
- Gina, though not the best singer of the women, is in a unique niche and could make it fairly deep on that basis; no vote-splitting here. Still, when it comes down to her vs. the big two and a couple of guys, she's out - say 5-7, like Jordin. It's possible, though, she could slide into the final three.
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