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Old 03-14-2007, 11:26 AM
DarkForceRising DarkForceRising is offline
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Default Re: Official Dids Gym Thread


Way to kick ass on your diet. One possible solution for your distaste for free weights/squats and deadlifts could be dumbell lunges. Sometimes I will walk up and down the stairs at my gym while holding the dumbells. It is great for the forearms and grip as well as the legs and lungs. Plus your not messing with anything too heavy involving barbells.

Charles Poloquin (highly sought after NHL trainer) has a book called "Manly Weight Loss". I've never actually read it but I was at one time somewhat familiar with his German Body Comp program. Basically, he advocates weight training as opposed to cardio to burn fat.

You should look into more movements/routines with weights that can create a calorie burning environment. The right program will offer you faster progress and eliminate the muscle-wasting indignity of the traditional mind-numbingly dull cardio.

Save your energy for the iron and I think you will like the results. If you feel the need to do some type of strictly aerobic activity try and incorporate it with something fun like roller-blading.
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