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Old 03-14-2007, 12:58 AM
kerowo kerowo is offline
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Default Re: Official Dids Gym Thread

Congrats and keep it up! I started off at Christmas at where you are now. Since then I've averaged about 2 lbs a week of steady loss by doing around 4 to 5 hours a week of cardio. Started with 45 minutes on my road bike on a trainer or between 1 and 2 hour Dance Dance Revolution sessions and getting rid of a lot of junk in my diet. I bought a heart rate monitor in Jan and have been seeing the calories per workout go up as I've dropped weight, which is nice, means my intensity is getting better, I'm now averaging around 700 calories an hour of cardio, more with the cycling less with the DDR.

My typical meals look like this:
breakfast: During the week a packet of instant oatmeal and some coffee.
snacks at work: This is what killed me before, too much crap. I now bring a yogart and yogart smoothie to work for snacking. They are organic and don't have HFCS.
Lunch: Can of the Healthy Chunky soup. A couple times a month I'll go out for lunch, but this is down from several times a week.
Dinner: It's usually been ground chicken based for the last couple weeks. Sometimes some pasta or a healthy Choice frozen dinner.
After work snack: Usually a yogart smoothy or maybe a cheese casedea.
On the weekends I usually just have more coffee for breakfast then do the cardio then have something for lunch, usually something from above, and something small for dinner, I don't eat much on the weekends.

My goal is 230 by my 40th b-day in June (which I'm about 2 weeks ahead of) then 200 by the end of the year. Sometime after June I'll worry about doing something besides the bike riding for muscle. At the moment I want to be smaller and am not worried about being stronger.
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