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Old 03-13-2007, 09:30 PM
dragon14 dragon14 is offline
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Default Re: Problem adjusting to aggression in SH games and very frustrated

When you reply to a complete stranger with the phrase "your full of [censored]" you are seriously lacking in common courtesy and are asking not to be taken seriously. I'm going to add you to my ignore list.

Secondly, I'm not deluded, the bad players were indeed loose passive and that's where my edge was. I do know how to use PAHUD and could see their LP stats with my own eyes. In fact as soon as someone I regarded as loose passive left the table, all the other TAG's would leave immediately as well.

I'm always curious about someone who knows my own poker history better than I do. Variance is not a new concept to me. This is not the beginner's forum.
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