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Old 03-13-2007, 11:27 AM
Dids Dids is offline
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Default I chucked somebody\'s tupperwear this morning...

... as part of a war I'm having with a nameless, faceless enemy at work.

Somebody, or multiple somebodies, apparently enjoys some kinda 237 grain hot cereal for breakfast. The sort of stuff that if you don't instantly wash the cup after you eat it, will fuse to the cup and require a sandblaster to remove.

Whoever this person had the nasty habit of setting their chosen eating vessel in the sink in our kitchen and leaving it there for mulitple days. (probably a 2-3 hour soak would be more than enough, and I'm fine with that)

I find standing water with nasty cereal sitting in the sink kinda gross, so a couple times I would clean out the mug and set it aside. The last time I did this, I was just getting sick of it, so after I cleaned the cup I left a note inside of it asking the person to clean up after themselves and not leave others with that burden.

This appeared to stop things, either that or the culprit moved off this floor or stopped working here. The mug and note stayed in the break room, but no others appeared.

About a week ago a new mug showed up. I gave it a day to be removed, it wasn't, so I cleaned it, set it next to the old mug, and moved the note into the new mug.

This morning I came in to find a tupperwear dish soaking in the sink, the new mug and note gone. Same nasty ass cereal in the dish. Now I know that people have goofy personal attachments to their mugs, so I'm not going to do anything there, but tupperwear, that's disposable, so dispose of it I did.

My next step, should this continue, is probably an email to everybody on the floor with a picture of the offending object and an explanation that if this is your mug/dish, you are a lesser human being.
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