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Old 03-13-2007, 03:06 AM
invisibleleadsoup invisibleleadsoup is offline
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Default Re: i want to know everything


i completely disagree with this sentiment,anyone else?

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i completely agree w/ the convo w/ practiced plumber >>>>>> know-it-all do-nothing

you'll find conversations with people who are not posers much more intersting than with posers

keep yourself open to new experiences, but don't sell yourself short and settle for mental masturbation

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the problem is you're using loaded terms (this applies to the post that follows the one i am responding to also)

obviously its a truism that no one wants to have a conversation with a poser/know it all/psued/mental masturbater(!),however it is not necessarily true that everyone who knows about a lot of things without being steeped in experience fits one of the above terms.

personally i would prefer to have a conversation with someone who is able to talk about a wide range of topics that i find interesting,even if that person has "never really done or acomplished anything",than with someone who has a wealth of experience and knowledge in a very specific area that doesn't particularly interest me.

obviously there are some people who are extrememly driven/dedicated to one particular field of human endeavour who will be very interesting to talk to about their field,however i don't believe that these are the only people worth talking to.

there are so many things in the world that are fascinating,and i think its completely fair enough for someone to try to keep up a broad range of interests,even if they never have the same knowledge an expert would have.

as you can probably guess,i personally am interested in loads of things,many of which i know quite a lot about,but none of which i am an expert on.if that makes me a psued or whatever then so be it,i don't mind being a jack of all trades master of none,i can quite happily go through life exploring the numerous areas that interest me without ever really focusing on one in particular to the exclusion of all others...

am i alone on this idea?
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