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Old 03-12-2007, 01:36 AM
Cornell Fiji Cornell Fiji is offline
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Default Re: Bay 101 Shooting Star $2000 buyin: Hand against Miami John

vs a range of any ace (minus AK, cause i doubt he'd just call you from the SB with that) and 55 we have 30% equity w/ A2o. Add in AKo and it's 28%, and ANY bluffs that come into play are a huge boost to our equity, and i'm certainly not ruling out a bluff, given description/my random feelings about him

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I think your range is flawed as I think that it is highly unlikely that the villain is pulling this double check raise with A2-A4/A6-A9.

I don't think he is pulling this move often enough with air (ie TT) or diamonds either and if we do think that he is capable of pulling this double check raise then betting the turn with a hand that we are not willing to call a push with is a big mistake IMO.

I really don't like betting the turn with a hand that you are not willing to call a shove with. I think that it is a mistake that you did not have a plan for him shoving the turn or open shoving the river when you made your bet.

My calling range is really tight here because he has to expect a call from us most of the time. I am calling with only AJ+.

Talk to the TD in a nonconfrontational manner during the next break. From everything that I have heard Matt is a very good TD and I think that he would like to hear your criticism if it is valid (as I believe that it is)
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