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Old 03-11-2007, 11:28 PM
[Phill] [Phill] is offline
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Default Re: Recent Bannings in Politics Forums since the regime change

I might lurk now and again, but frankly from the little ive just seen it seems business as usual and doesnt meet my Political posting needs (lol).

What always annoyed me was you have a group of people with one view (usually based in idiology) and another group with an apposing view. Then they debate, by which i mean repeatedly state their case, and then nothing particularly happens.

Last major straw was when i asked about the minimum wage, which again is about to rise in the UK. They question was simple - all evidence appears to support the view that a min wage wouldnt create unemployment. I came up with a theoretical model as to why this is likely so, in line with what evidence i could find of job trends. I was met by the evidence that in theory it leads to unemployment so the reality is fake in the overwhelming evidence of economic theory - so whilst unemployment may have dropped in the time of the min wage introduction, it would have dropped more if it wasnt there! Thus nothing is resolved and i kinda wished id just not bothered trying to get my head around it.