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Old 03-11-2007, 07:04 PM
aflaba aflaba is offline
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Default Re: Improving general knowledge

That is a fantastic post you have written Blarg. Thanks!

I've started reading Hamlet and Dante's Divine Comedy in the past, but I felt I was getting ahead of myself a bit and wasn't ready for that kind of literature.

The Bible and a book Plato's work sound like they could be a good start. I guess I don't need more than that at the time, because I like your thought on not spreading myself out too thin but instead building a solid foundation.

Do you think those books are a good start or would you start in some other end?

I understand that this will take several years, and I'm ok with that. I like to read and learn, it's just that I haven't read much about humanities and culture. It's not that I haven't found it interesting, I have, it is only that it has felt very distant. I hope I'll liking reading more and at a faster pace about these areas, and if I do, then I expect to probably keep it up to some degree as long as I live.

Currently I feel most interested in a historical overview so maybe I should start with that perspective. I made a search for John Keegan. He seems to have written some great works on wars, but maybe I should start with an even wider resource where I can try to form a picture of how our societies have evolved and the problems and wars along the way. Do you have a general history book that you think is vivid, engaging and memorable that you would recommend? Do you think that would be a good start?

Again I want to say I really liked you post.
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