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Old 03-11-2007, 10:57 AM
Mike Mike is offline
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Default Re: Opponent says...\" That\'s why I hate limit\"

It is a weak tight game according to the description. I count four players in the hand besides the player holding JJ preflop. That makes eight cards between them.

Anyone holding JJ will see an overcard 57% of the time. Even if you only give credit for only three cards being bigger than the pair of jacks, that is nine outs against two outs for JJ to improve to a set. I think this makes JJ a marginal raise and a strong call?

If utg does not get raised pf, he really doesn't know where he stands with or without an overcard on the board. If utg does get raised preflop, he doesn't know where his hand is either no matter what the flop.

In games with weak tight players - if I read the description correctly, JJ may as well be 22, because they usually aren't playing post flop unless they make a hand they think will win. I don't think utg played poorly.
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