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Old 03-11-2007, 07:26 AM
The Truth The Truth is offline
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Default Re: Q&A, three part post: Lifting, lifestyles, nutrition, etc. **LONG*

Awesome thread. I have a list of questions.

1. My left peck is smaller than my right. I think it comes from basketball in high school where I would shoot all day with my right hand. It isn't easily noticable, but with no shirt if you look dead on, you can see it for sure.

I have been doing like 3 days a week full body work out just to maintain athleticism, but I want to try to get bigger. I am going to do 5 days a week like the program you reccomend.

How should I adjust my workout to help my left peck catch up without giving up muscular progression for my right arm? Will maxing out my workout eventually come close to evening it out? (I imagine its not just my peck, but that muscle is large enough so that I can notice the size difference. Most like left sholder/arm smaller than right as well.)

2. Why shouldn't one work out full body hard every 3rd day? Why will results be slower/worse?

3. If i just went to the gym and punished bench press every day no matter how sore I was, and managed not to get injured, would i get big?
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