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Old 03-10-2007, 09:16 PM
Chaoslord Chaoslord is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 426
Default Re: Stars 25-50 Shortstackers

i dont mind shorstackers at my table since 99.9% are just plain bad, way too passive and really easy to play against.

the thing is, for good players with understanding of hand ranges and good basic knowledge its surely profitable to shortstack agressive games - but they almost certainly have a higher hourly rate playing a big stack.

so basically i dont care if the min. buyin is 20bb or 50bb since i welcome weak players in my game, however ratholing shouldnt be allowed the time you have to wait before you can buyin for the minimum at a table again should be at least 2 hours this would prevent the annoying hit and runs.

sorry if someone posted the same thoughts already i didnt have time to read the whole thread.
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