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Old 03-10-2007, 12:25 PM
Los Feliz Slim Los Feliz Slim is offline
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Default Little Things Your Significant Other Does that Annoy You

I am a nit, as are many of you. Anybody in a long-term relationship is familiar with the things your partner does that really aren't a big deal, but annoy the crap out of you. They're not enough to overwhelm all the positives about this person, however. In fact, they may only bother you because you're a nit. Something my wife does:

When I'm in a room with a television that's turned on (which is always) and she walks in, she invariably says "What are you watching?" without so much as looking at the TV for more than a second. Extra annoying points when it's A) a commercial B) totally obvious what it is I'm watching C) something bizarre is on the screen and she says "What are you watching?" in a tone of voice that implies I'm masturbating to Julia Childs. Usually, I'm not even watching the damn thing, it's just on, or whatever's on is what's on after whatever I was watching. But she could never possibly figure it out for herself, because she doesn't even make a half-hearted attempt to even look at the TV before asking me. Arrrrrgh.

OK, that felt good. Vent, comment, sympathize.
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