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Old 03-10-2007, 04:16 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Nevada Democrats pull out of Foxnews Sponsored Debate

It didn't take long for this thread to get hijacked into yet another "bash Fox News" thread, did it?

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The whole point of the story is that Nevada Democrats believe the biased coverage of Fox News is enough reason to disavow it as a legitmate news organiaztion.

The breaking point, BTW, was Fox head Roger Ailes comparing Barack Obama to Osama Bin Laden in a speech the other night - if that's what the head of the network is doing, then how much more transparent is the hypocrisy within the network itself? - How about letting Ann Coulter back on the air and allowing her to CYA on her slurious remarks about John Edwards a few nights prior? She actually bailed on CNN and went to the one place she wouldn't be challenged in any meaningful way - Faux news.

In true partisan response, Fox News called the decision one made by radical fringe out-of-state interest groups - they neglected to mention most legitmate Democratic Candidates like Edwards and Obama have already blacklisted the network for it's repeated slurs and falsehoods.

A legitimate news group would have probably just said they were disappointed and moved on, but Fox News turns rejection into it's own personal attack -

they get everything that's coming to them and more when it comes to bad press - Faux News is the correct spelling, and I think it's a wise decision to boycott it and stick with MSM news media - You wouldn't see a debate between Christian Republicans on MTV, or Libertarians debating on a network run by Socialists, and I think it's unwise for Democrats to allow their debates to be covered by an organization that gets it's talking points from the Republican National Committee and it's head owner allows his bias to come thru in such transparent and cheap humor.

the only guy with less credibility then Fox News is the White House Press Secretary, and he used to work for THEM too - LOL - screw em.

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