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Old 03-10-2007, 01:48 AM
omaha omaha is offline
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Default Re: tourney life on a race?

Cornell has hit the nail on the head about a very important concept which i dont think the op has grasped.

Lets say, blinds 50/100, we raise to 300, someone shoves for 1500.

What odds are we getting? The pot has 1500+300+150= 1950, and we need to pay 1200 to see it!

Thus, our odds are about 5-3. Even if we were on the wrong side of a coin flip, it is an instacall.

The second thing the op doesnt quite get (yet!) is that if you identify a +ev situation, then you take it (okay there are exceptions, but lets leave them alone for now).

Not racing when you have odds will lead to your demise later on.

Also, it is much better to be shoving all in, than be calling it, but thats another topic in itself!
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