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Old 03-09-2007, 02:38 PM
NMcNasty NMcNasty is offline
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Posts: 336
Default Rebuy tourney strategy

"The best practice is to rebuy before the tournament starts and to be willing to make several rebuys. At first, play a bit looser than normal and be willing to get all the chips in pre-flop with medium strength cards such as pairs 55 or better, A9 or better aces, any suited ace, suited connectors higher than 65s and suited one gapers above 97s."

WHAT. I just don't get it. Get all your chips in preflop with 9 high? Are you kidding me. I understand the concept that you should try and double early so you can play other donkeys who are even more desperate to double up early for 300 BB deep instead of 150, but seriously does that warrant getting all your 150 bbs in preflop as a 2-1 dog?

Sometimes I think playing super-tight is the way to go. Why even play AQ from early position if your opponents are just going to push allin with every pair, AK, and AQs+?

I could be wrong, but I feel a lot of players are seriously misguided by rebuy philosophy. I can understand how just a few maniacs at the table creates a chain reaction causing everyone else to play looser. If one idiot is raising allin 40% of his hands, it might be correct to call with 20% depending on position. But allin with 9 high? It seems like your giving all these donkeys more reason to push A8s in the first place.
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