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Old 03-09-2007, 05:14 AM
BearHustler BearHustler is offline
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Default Re: On \'Salary\' Strategies (Off Topic, PB-ish)

I've built a bankroll in the last two years, and only took out some money for PT and some books and stuff. I never took out money for anything else than poker-related "investments" and never paid for pokerbooks or whatever with my own money.

However, around last christmas, I suddenly became good at this game (god knows why) and I've been running at 9PTBB/100 over 38k hands with almost no variance. Needless to say, money has been pouring in. I've made about 15k in the last 2.5 months, and I'm really confused as to what to do with it.

I don't wanna leave it online, because 200NL is my regular game, with shots at 400 or 500NL, so I really don't need the bankroll. But I've been working at building my roll for two years now, and it just feels strange to start taking out big chunks.

Anyway, I don't know how long this heater is gonna last, but I suppose I better start planning these cashouts too.

Edit: I've been thinking about keeping 20 buyins online for the level I wanna play (8k in my example, because I wanna move up to 400NL soon), and 20 buyins in a savings account, that I keep as "backup" if should somehow blow the money I have online. Don't know if it makes sense though.

Also, there is no way I would go through a 10 buyin downswing and not move down until I've rebuilt my roll and confidence, so I don't really know how big my online roll should be at 400NL.
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