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Old 03-09-2007, 02:32 AM
WarDekar WarDekar is offline
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Default Re: Wynn 10k Poker Classic Hand

What were your thoughts when he only 1/2 potted the turn?

Do you think that his small bet was intended to keep draws in the hand or was it intended to look like a blocking bet so that he could three-bet over your bluff raise when you had a midpair or clubs? Obviously both are possible but what was your feeling here if you had to interpret the bet?

As far as you know did this guy have any idea who you are?


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I think when he makes that bet, he wants call. However, it could be a typical live donkish underbet, or maybe it was a donk blocking bet.

He knew I was a "pro" of some sort because Gigabet and I were talking about my photoshoot for Bluff magazine that's going to be on the cover.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that I've thought about it, push. Immediately, no hesitation. Well, maybe hesitate for a little effect.

As 0evg0 eluded to, if you aren't getting all your chips in after hitting this hand, why else are you drawing to it? This is about as bare of a hand as you can have and hit your draw, so unless you were planning on taking it with air very often you have to push here.

Hope he calls with a 6 or maybe overpair thinking you missed your club draw.

If you aren't getting paid on hitting this, then there wasn't much value in the way you played it up until now. Why puss out on the river? Get your chips in like you planned on if you hit.
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