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Old 03-08-2007, 12:43 PM
PorkchopDJG PorkchopDJG is offline
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Default Re: Worst run of cards ever? 4/8Live

Yeah it's frustrating especailly when there are obviously bad players loosing there small buy in's to all of the others at the table but you can't get any cards to get some for yourself.
I really feel patience is one of the biggest things that seperates a serious winning player from someone there just to gamble it up. It's easy to call a raise with AToff when it's the best cards you've seen in an hour, but the truely great players are the ones that still fold it because they know it's a dominated type hand.
Losing the least you can with bad cards or bad flops in one of the most important skills for the limit player to master. What gets me through all of the card dead times is when I think of rushes where I get big cards and win several huge pots in a row because I know it can happen at any time.
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