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Old 03-08-2007, 12:40 AM
vikefan24 vikefan24 is offline
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Default Wisdom teeth question

Last year at the dentists I had an appointment set up to get them removed but ended up canceling it due to something coming up, at this point they are through the skin and seem to be in position fine..

the dentists tells me I need to get them removed, I want to believe him but I also had dentist tell me I needed braces when my teeth were straight and they still are, so I have become suspicious if they are telling me what is best for their pockets(probably stupid).. anyways I have discussed with quite a few people I know and work with that kept theirs in, I have had no pains at all with them and everyone else is telling me there is no reason to take them out if they aren't bothering me..

I'm 20, I tell the dentists I am thinking about keeping them and he says I would probably be alright for 10-15 years then get some mouth disease and have to get them removed which would be more painful then.. again, not sure if it is just to get me to get it done through them asap.. I also plan on getting a second opinion from another dentist but would like to know if anyone else has any thoughts..

tl;dr cliff notes: i'm 20, wisdom teeth are basically in, no pains, dentists says take out, everyone else says leave in, looking for opinions..
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