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Old 03-07-2007, 07:00 PM
dsmith19711 dsmith19711 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 40
Default Re: Girl say says we are moving too fast trip report

Mouseman, follow your heart. It won't steer you wrong. I have the feeling that several of the younger, more "balla" members of this forum are purposely giving you questionable advice in hopes of creating problems for you so that they can have a laugh at your expense.

I would recommend texting her back and expressing your happiness at hearing from her. Let her know that you have been thinking about what she said and would be pleased to have the relationship move forward at whatever speed she is most comportable with. Her reaching out to you was an excellent opportunity to let her know how you feel, and to spell out your hopes and dreams for your blossoming romance.

I would suggest the following:

"Hi. It was so great to hear from you. I've been thinking about you a lot, and would love to see you. I really think you a special girl and hope we can spend some time together soon. I agree that things should move more slowly while we explore the possibilities of our relationship. Sincerely, Mouseman".
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