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Old 03-07-2007, 11:47 AM
JJNJustin JJNJustin is offline
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Default Re: Do\'s and Dont\'s to make a good game

Do take a shower and wear deodorant when you play cards. Dress nicely. Poker is a gentleman's game.

Dont fart at the table. No one wants to smell your ass. If abdominal bloating is too painful, stand up, find a clearing and let one rip. If need be, go sit on the toilet for a while. Make sure you wash your hands, too.

Do try to be friendly and sociable at the table, or at least quiet. Dont pick fights with a bad player or a maniac by constantly 3-betting him or by making him look foolish. Dont start personal 1 on 1 revenge wars because it may make the other players uncomfortable.
Dont utter curse words under your breath aimed at the guy who just beat you. Even though you are just mumbling to yourself, some may take it personally and it is rude.
Dont swear in other languages that players dont understand. It is rude and lacking dignity.
Do find ways to make good from the bad and laugh at the insanity of the game.

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