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Old 03-07-2007, 07:52 AM
Sluss Sluss is offline
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Default Re: Thomas Jones expected to be traded :(

Anybody who falls into this trap are those stupid Bears fans you always talk about. Because he does not deserve to be paid more than Urlacher and shouldn't be.

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Yes, he does and he should
Briggs > Urlacher

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Don't be an ass.

The WSLB in this system is very replaceable. It's an unblocked position. There is a reason why Briggs makes all of those plays. I'm not saying he isn't good, but that position makes athletic guys that can tackle look like they are the second coming. While it's not easy to fill, the Bears have shown an ability to find these guys.

Briggs is better in pass coverage than most linebackers which makes him valuable. However, you have to understand that most of his pass coverage responsiblities fall in the nickle package. In the base formation Hillemeyer is covering tight ends. His main job is the running back. Get to him either in coverage or to tackle. It's a down hill position where your basically on full bore to hit the running back. Briggs is also very good at getting to the pile and ripping the ball free.

Urlacher's responsiblities are much more difficult. He has to cover the middle of the field which is a soft spot in every team's cover two, except the Bears. He has to be able to fill the A gaps on runs. So basically he must be able to diagnose run or pass and either be 10 yards up field or 10 yards down field on the the snap of the ball. He is also very good at getting to the pile and stripping. And often he is the pile. Being the first guy to a ball carrier and holding him up for other guys to strip. There is no replacement for Urlacher. There is nobody in the league as fast, tall or that reacts better to the play.

I was against franchising Briggs. Signing him to a long term deal would be fine, but making him ticked and a problem isn't helping. He will hold out all of training camp, whine up and down, show up the week before the season starts and by week 3/4 will be making all of those plays you always see him make.
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