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Old 03-06-2007, 10:30 PM
Nez477 Nez477 is offline
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Default Re: LOTR: The Two Towers (GAME THREAD)

Wow, it is very very quiet. Disconcerting. Are all 3 villagers?

FMXDA, you are doing a great job of trying to dissuade me today. Your last post was actually quite good.

I can often be convinced in the last hour before nightfall. I feel we can learn a lot about players in that time.

I don't know, I almost like FMXDA and Durron equally today, with Luckay in 3rd. Durron has been obnoxious and his first couple posts are forced and his post on Mark is horrible. While FMXDA has been a little more calm, but in general has just made sense. That is, after his first couple of Shelob posts.

We need more villagers to start discussing. The wolves are obviously content with how things are going which is not a good sign.

Why would FMXDA pay so much attention to the voting patterns? Then again, why would he immediately turn to a Shelob excuse this morning. It really looked bad, but his reaction posts weren't as bad.

Blah. I could do either. I'm just pissed that I had to watch Sanjaya sing again tonight. Can we vote him off?

Or maybe Luckay's defeatism is a new wolf take? He wouldn't give up as a villager? Or would he?

So many questions, not enough time to answer all of them. I'm not 100% comfortable with any of the wagons right now. But considering how quiet things were, thinking out loud is good.

We should be rereading FMXDA and Luckay right now. Durron is impossible to reread because he has half of hte posts in this game.

Let's get this right tonight.
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