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Old 03-06-2007, 09:38 PM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
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Default Re: Watch me play UB bots LIVE 50-100 Limit

A few naive Qs:

i) are there well-known bots who play 6max and full tables, not just HU?

ii) If the bots are THAT obvious (and no, i haven't quite followed along w/ everyone else), WHY doesn't someone make it their personal mission to bring it to UB's attention...and yeah yeah yeah, I know they have god-awful CS, and it sometimes takes a few attempts to get someone who speaks half-decent engrish to answer your Q, but this is serious enough that with a little persistence, it seems like they'd be unable to ignore the problem, no? I mean, Party/Empire had arguably the worst CS in the biz, but when we discovered the Saabpo and other SNG bots, I personally sent at least 10 emails about them, and yeah, most of them got retarded stock answers, but i finally got a CS supervisor to sit up and take notice, and Saabpo et al got the boot. Wouldn't a little persistence pay off here?
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