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Old 03-04-2007, 09:43 PM
Chris Daddy Cool Chris Daddy Cool is offline
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Default Re: movies that have made you cry? (men only plz)

i don't cry per say during movies but i am v sentimental and pretty much choke up right on cue when they want me to.

some off the top of my head:
lion king (when i was a kid!)

when i was a kid and saw braveheart for the first time in theatres. 1) when his wife dies. 2) when william wallace rips off the guy's helmet and he realizes he's been betrayed and the look of shock on his face. 3) also the ending obviously.

ahah end of armageddon (i think pretty much any heroic scene that involves some sort of self sacrifice)

forrest gump

hotel rwanda when the kids come singing in the rain. (pretty much any moment of hardship or struggle in the face of oppression gets me, haven't seen the movie in a long time but i think schindler's list for the same reasons)

passion of the christ - thought the movie was horrificly and unneccessarily brutal but the ending got to me, especially the scenes with him talking about love and compassion etc interlaced with the scenes of him getting crucified

lord of the rings when gandolf dies (lol right?)

cinderalla man

that scene in crash where we think the little girl runs in front of his dad to protect him from the bullet

the end of brokeback mountain

the end of one who felw over the cuckoo's nest

countless others.

incidently a couple of movies that have been mentioned in this thread (field of dreams, big fish and finding neverland) i did not cry or choke up which is kind of strange since everybody seems to.
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