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Old 03-03-2007, 10:48 PM
goodgrief goodgrief is offline
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Default Re: Hmmm, little concerned about the D\'Amato/PPA thing..called off?

I'm not seeing how replacing a known criminal with another probable criminal is going to advance the cause. At this point, you would need a spokesperson who is indisputably above reproach. A beloved figure like Jimmy Carter or something, not that Jimmy Carter is going to speak up for anybody's right to play poker. But somebody like that. Somebody who is considered honest and decent to a fault. Too bad Harry Truman isn't still around. He was fond of his poker, as the story goes. Poker is part of American history. It's scary how conservative the nation has gotten that I'm not able to think of any well-liked person who would be willing to speak up for our history. There must be someone? If D'Amato is the best we can do, might as well hang it up!

God, I would hope it's called off. I don't know much about New York politics, but even way down South I've heard enough rumors and news stories about the Senator D'Amato's ethical issues to say that I can't say I'd ever, ever want him as a spokesperson or lobbyist for any cause I cared about. I'm just sayin. Maybe somebody informed the PPA about the good Senator's problematical history.

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FWIW, having Jack Abramoff, possibly the most notoriously corrupt lobbyist IN HISTORY on our side was what kept online gambling legal for as long as it was. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good.

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