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Old 03-03-2007, 09:00 PM
Bond18 Bond18 is offline
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Default Connection problems

I tried putting this in the 'internet' forum but nobody seemed interested. If anyone here knows much about computers/connecs i would really appreciate it. If you need to talk more in depth u likely have my AIM, just tell me to sign on.

I'm currently located in Shanghai China.

On december 26th an Earthquake tore Asias internet apart, but according to the companies and officials the connection was repaired in mid february.

However, I still have extensive internet problems with Full tilt especially and sometimes stars/UB/mansion.

According to our provider our connection speed is 2mb/512 wireless which is better than i had in the states where I encountered zero problems. According to Asias connection speed is often still pretty subpar.

Our internet providers information (they are the largest in the country) is basically useless and i'm exhausted at shouting at the screen when full tilt decides to lag right int he middle of playing QQ.

I don't really know very much about computers/connections, but can anyone suggest ways/methods to improve my speed or reliability?

If this were a one site problem i'd prolly just avoid it, but it can get pretty bad on the others as well.

Thanks for your help.
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