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Old 03-03-2007, 07:17 PM
cardsharkk04 cardsharkk04 is offline
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Default Re: The *Official* Unofficial Thread (UIUC: 3/2/07)

Holy crap yesterday was awesome

I got hammered thursday night at Station, then got a couple of hours of sleep in.

6:30 Wake up to that Dropkick Murphy's song in the Departed
Pounded Guinness and some Scottish beer called Fraoch
7:30 Went to my friends house party. It was really cool because I knew almost everyone there.
12:00 Thought about going to class drunk, but decided to keep drinking instead.
1:30 Retarded friend got drinking ticket for double fisting beer while walking in the street.
2:00 Hung out with some alums that came down, did beer bongs
All Afternoon: Drinking games, guitar hero, 90's music, hit on girl that I kinda like (no action, but I invited her to a dance)
6:00 Went to apartment party
7:00 Niro's Gyros for dinner. The line was huge, everyone was drunk and retarded and it was awesome.
8:00 Went back to my place, got more guinness, Jameson, and Bailey's for Irish car bombs.
8:30 Randomly ran into friend who smoked us up before the party
9:00 New party, Irish car bombs, place is getting out of control
12:00 Went to Station to see some friends who came from Wisconsin
2:00 Don't really remember, came back to friends apartment, I guess I was ripping on her and her friends (the friendly kind), and eventually passed out on her clothes pile with my jacket on after trying to play her recorder

Heres a pic (I'm on the left, I don't know what time in the day it was taken)
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