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Old 12-18-2005, 10:18 AM
Spee Spee is offline
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Default Re: Atlantic City article part 2


Good points all. I was covering AC for Blackjack Forum when poker was introduced there in the early 90's, and have followed the scene off and on since then, and played poker there a few times in the last few years.

The main things I remember about AC are mainly related to finances and crowds.
- It is so friggin' expensive unless one is day tripping. $150-$200 and up for a dumpy weekend hotel room. Double that for a casino room on the weekend. How does that fit into the economics of a 20-40 grinder? It can't. One has to day trip and that means 2-4 hour round trips.
- And what's up with the $5-spot to park? I have never liked that since it was first introduced. I guess it is simple economics, supply and demand. I'd rather see all the casino parking garages be valet only. At least people could earning some tip money instead of having the casino's and AC development authority whack up the donations.
- Unless things have changed, most of the poker rooms I remember are closer to sardines in a can than plush comfy gaming areas. The last time I played at the Taj, the tables were so tightly packed one could hardly get through the aisles. And what's up with jamming 10 players into those 9 player tables? Reminds me of playing at the Vic here in the UK.
- The comps in AC are worthless. There is so much financial and time investment to get one, that they are hardly akin to those in Vegas or elsewhere, where a friendly conversation with a pit boss might get a $25 ticket to the coffee shop or deli.
- AC was always more of a living crime wave than anything else, but at one time, it did have a lot of cool little spots for eatin' and boozin' and partyin'. Last time I was there in '04, those places were all gone. It's the casino's or out to the surrounding areas, or nothing. That's a darn shame, IMHO.
- It is highly unlikely that I will ever spend another nickel in AC. It offers more headache than opportunity. If the civic leaders in Philly had any stones or sense, they would allow part of the south side down by the new stadiums to be redeveloped to compete with AC. What would happen to poker in AC, if Philly were to build a massive poker-only casino, similar to what Foxwoods did with bingo back in the old days? The Taj and Borgata would probably survive, but everything else would fade fast.

Just my own wrong opinion.

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