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Old 03-02-2007, 07:04 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: South South Texas
Posts: 656
Default Re: \"I will keep them in my prayers tonight\"

intresting thread.

If i tell someone i will pray for them i usually do it as im walkinh away from them, so i dont forget.
When i was a youth minster, it was more of a meditation thing, thinking of the kids, some in particular, what i could say to help, stuff like that.
When i preached, and people would come up wanting someone to pray ffor them afterwards....self explanatory

I have met a few people that would write everything down in a book, some would just pray over the book, that everything thing init ....
Some would read what they wrote from the book outloud, line by line

someone said that they had never told anybody they prayed for before or after. I usually treat this the same way, but there have been some ladies in my church that have said they were praying for me this week, and said some very encouraging things, some have said they were praying for me and invited me over for dinner....which is way cool when your broke

my 2 cents
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